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First Quarter 2022

Inspection of native tree plants

Native Tree Nurseries Ready for Reforestation Program as Climate Change Mitigation Incentives

Six months after the start of our Reforestation Initiative co-funded by USD Forestry and the US Regional Environment Office, eleven of our chosen sites are now ready for replanting. With more than 10,000 hectares already mapped out across eleven communities, and more than 1,000 seedlings to be planted, the project team is currently liaising with the communities on the best way to tackle the activity.

C3 has just completed the fourth monitoring phase on the Native Trees Nurseries. This phase involves the ‘hardening process’ where the qualified trees are transferred from the nurseries to the sunshine, allowing them to adapt to the heat before being transferred to the final mapped-out sites. At the completion of the hardening process, each of the eleven communities will embark on the planting of the 1,000 trees in the respective sites provided.

Measuring and recording tree progress

The local communities are now anticipating the fact that most of their disappearing important native trees will be able to re-establish themselves. Fruit trees, medicinal plants, and house timber are now expected to be in bountiful supply in five to ten years’ time. In addition, part of the program is capacity building, where training courses were delivered for villagers on the importance of trees; these were well-received. Another benefit is that trees will assist in maintaining and replenishing clean drinking water supply which has been a challenge for the communities in recent years. 

C3 Fiji is looking forward to working together with our government counterparts like the Ministry of Forestry and the communities to kick off the most extensive tree planting activity that has ever been coordinated by communities in the Province of Macuata.

Native trees from the nursery

Monthly Monitoring of Rocket Stove Trainees

In November 2021, C3 conducted surveys with women at Niurua, Raviravi, Navidamu, Lagi, Cawaro, Sese and Baleyaganiga villages on the use of their new fuel-efficient stoves. Our results showed that the trainees have benefitted from C3’s monitoring and guidance on the proper use of the stoves. One community member, Ateca Ose of Naividamu village, mentioned that the Rocket Stove supplied by the project maintains heat for a longer period of time and uses less firewood. She says that it can also be left unattended so that even without constant supervision, food is cooked properly without burning. Other trainees mentioned not having to worry about cooking due to the stove’s convenience. They shared that the rocket stove can be carried around and used in multiple locations, allows for cooking on rainy days when firewood collection is difficult, and shortens cooking time which allows them to spend more time with family.



Community Centred Conservation - C3 Fiji
108 Nasekula Road, Labasa

Tel.  (679) 9756021/9627135

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