Fisheries Management
Community-driven and ecosystem-based solutions
Women-led conservation and food security.
C3’s exciting partnership with Fish Right has created gains in ecosystem-based and community-driven fisheries management in the Philippines. In 2020, established Marine Protected Areas in Busuanga increased by two, with four more newly proposed. Two more Women-Managed Areas were also proposed. The new and proposed MPAs now comprises a total area of 1,402.1 ha in Barangay Quezon; Calawit Island, Barangay Buluang; Barangay New Busuanga; and Barangay Buluang.
Equal participation is essential to successfully increasing regional fish populations, improving local climate resilience, and supporting community livelihoods. Women and marginalized groups have been encouraged and empowered by C3 to actively manage natural resources. 374 ha are currently run by fifty indigenous women as Women-Managed Areas in two locations: Calawit Island, Barangay Buluang, and So. Ocam-ocam, Barangay New Busuanga. Calawit is especially meaningful as the women’s management was formalized through an Official Resolution granted by the Tagbanwa elders and executive committee, signifying a break with tradition in the male-led Tagbanwa culture.
We work with the following agencies and organizations:
C3 involves all stakeholders.
Our collaboration with local government has yielded three Barangay and Municipal Resolutions for the protection of marine areas. This is supported in the community by the enrichment activities of one hundred newly-trained Peer Educators and over a hundred new Youth Ecowarrior volunteers.
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Contact C3 Philippines
Busuanga OfficeSalvacion, Busuanga, Palawan, 5317 Philippines
Taytay Field OfficePurok 6 San Lorenzo, PoblacionTaytay, Palawan, 5312 Philippines
C3 Philippines (C3PHILIPPINES INC.), in accordance with the Corporation Code of the Philippines, is registered as a non-profit organization in the Philippines under the Securities and Exchange Commission with Company Registration No. CN201115227.